I Me Myself

What was the start of all this? When did the cogs of fate begin to turn? Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now, From deep within the flow of time... But, for a certainty, back then, We loved so many, yet hated so much, We hurt others and were hurt ourselves... Yet even then, we ran like the wind, Whilst our laughter echoed, Under cerulean skies...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

King of the Palace!

Hands aching, sweaty palms. Moments earlier, i have just completed the Bloody Palace, a 101 stages of survival mode with only no continues. I started at 2pm, and ending just about 5pm. My heart is still racing from the excitement and the anxiety of the last stage. Just a note, once you die at a stage, you have to RESTART from the beginning. Yes, even though you reached stage 101, you will still restart from 1 if you die there.

Woo! What an achievement for me today! Time to check my rankings!

Number 10th in Singapore!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Green Rose

Since my work ended last week, these 2 days i have been watching a very interesting korean drama, Green Rose. The story and plot is absolutely brillant. The scriptwriters have really done an excellent job at weaving together this tale. The story is very engrossing. I had finished 22 episodes of about 1 hour each just recently.

The title is very interesting. Taken from the show, do you know why there are only red, white roses and not green ones? Because it does not exist here. It exist only in heaven, where it represent enternal love. Although the story borrows a bit of inspiration from Count of Monte Cristo, it is still quite original.

Also, another recent quote i found which i find it to be quite meaningful.

"As long as we have memories, yesterday remains. As long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits. As long as we have love, today is beautiful."

Touching stuffs indeed.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Class Outing!

Today was our 0617 class outing/dinner. It was filled with fun, jokes, and more jokes, although there was some terrifying army ghost stories as well.

A spectacular view from outside the restaurant.


With cap...

Without cap..

The background is pretty cool. Quite futuristic.


Phone advertisments!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I loved Yesterday

The rumor is true, YUI’s long-awaited 3rd Album “I Love Yesterday” has been confirmed!! 13 tracks including 9 exclusive!

Tracklist CD:

01. Laugh away
02. My Generation
03. Find me
04. No way
05. Namidairo
06. Daydreamer
07. Love is all
08. I will love you
09. We will go
11. My friend
13. Am I wrong ?

Tracklist DVD:

01. Good-bye days
02. I remember you
03. Rolling star
04. CHE.R.RY
05. Special Live Video of her first Budokan Concert (19 Nov 2007)

Saturday, March 08, 2008

'A' Levels!

Just completed another milestone in my life. I just got back my results yesterday and to be honest, i didn't expected it to be like that. Thought that i had screwed up a lot during the actual paper itself. But, i supposed miracles are not as rare as people make them out to be.

General Paper: A
Economics: A
Mathematics: A
Physics: B
Chemistry: A

Kinda expected to screw my physics, and the results proved i was right. But what the heck. A for GP was the most unexpected. I meant, i wrote about SUPERNATURAL. The topic that i didn't even know half of what i was writing. But damn, maybe the markers eat wrong medicine on that day.

I am quite satisfied with my results. Now, just have to look forward to NS!

Sunday, March 02, 2008


A cool dance video i stumbled across on youtube. This song is actually quite catchy and nice.

Raw Lyrics:

Vi undrar är ni redo att vara med
Armarna upp nu ska ni få se
Kom igen
Vem som helst kan vara med

Så rör på era fötter
Och vicka era höfter
Gör som vi
Till denna melodi

Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gör som vi gör
Ta några steg åt vänster
Lyssna och lär
Missa inte chansen
Nu är vi här med

Det blir en sensation överallt förstås
På fester kommer alla att släppa loss
Kom igen
Nu tar vi stegen om igen

Så rör på era fötter
Och vicka era höfter
Gör som vi
Till denna melodi

Så kom och
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gör som vi gör
Ta några steg åt vänster
Lyssna och lär
Missa inte chansen
Nu är vi här med

Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gör som vi gör
Ta några steg åt vänster
Lyssna och lär
Missa inte chansen
Nu är vi här med

English Lyrics:

We wonder are you ready to [do this/join]
Arms up now you'll see
Come an
Anyone can [do this/join]

So move your feet
and wiggle your hips
Do as we do
To this melody

Dance with us
Clap your hands
Do like we do
Take some steps to the left
Listen and learn
Don't miss the chance
We're here now with
The Caramelldance

It becomes a sensation allover of course
On the party's everyone will let loose.
Come an
Now we'll take the steps again