Devil May Cry 4
How we, the fans have been waiting for this day patiently. But, the wait is over. The joy has arrived. Devil May Cry 4 demo is here! God, i have been wanting to try it out since i heard it would be out on the 24th, and i am VERY satisfied with the gameplay so far.

See the big fire demon? Yes, we get to experience this fiery hell in the demo. The boss fight is epic, and also, the new character, Nero, is pretty cool in his own way. But hey, give me back Dante anytime! The graphics are awesome, the enemies are awesome, the characters are awesome, this demo ROCKS!
Well, just a few more hours before the release of another one of my most anticipated singles, Katayoku no Icarus by Yui Sakakibara. From the TV rip, the song is pretty nice, just hope that the full song is just as nice. Then there is Friends by Stephanie, the second ED of Gundam 00. That is due to be out on the 30th. Then the day after that, 31st, will be the release of the japanese version of Devil May Cry 4! Although i would have to wait longer till 5th of Feb as the US version is released on that day. I love my PS3!
Damn. Whenever someone wanted to play a Devil May Cry game, he/she will need a playstation. Now, DMC has become a multiplatform game, with the Xbox 360 sharing the accolades for DMC. DAMN! Bring back console exclusives! I will be really jaded if a few months later, Final Fantasy becomes a multiplatformer. That will really crush me. Well, life is unpredictable. Let me finish with this very cool box art of the PS3 version of Devil May Cry 4.